Kuu Kuu Harajuku Wiki

Well guys...since season 3 is basically the final season of Kuu Kuu Harajuku, I thought I can make a little idea of my own as a series finale of the series and it's a one and a half hour special.

All Gigged Up.

After HJ5, Rudie, Mimi and Meerkatz experience their next destination and finished their world tour from General No-Fun sabotaging the tour bus’s teleporting device...a magical person comes out to congratulate them and lets them choose what to decide on either staying as a band forever….or letting them live their own lives while booking then a gig while other characters come back such as Tizzie Lizzie, Bertrand, Angelica, Carey Chaos and even The Kimberlys as well as knowing about the absence of Colonel Spyke, JoJo Jolie, and their pet dog Chewie, HJ5 themselves uses the power of singing and friendship to make the hugest gig ever heard all over the world to sing and dance their hearts out at least one last time from a villain trying to take over the world and destroy music once and for all but the girls never give up and always stay together.
